Sunday Services Times - 7:30am & 10:30am
       Holy Communion Will Be Offered at All Services on the First and Third Sundays
       Ash Wednesday Worship Times: March 5th – 10:30am & 7:00pm
       Mid-Week Lent Worship Flyer - HERE
       VANCO - Online Giving!
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida LCMS - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida
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Welcoming all to walk together toward an abundant life in Christ
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida
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Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte Florida
Following our live Sunday Service there will be video on our YouTube Channel.
To view Lutheran Church of the Cross' Sunday Sermons from previous weeks, please visit our YouTube Channel. Sign-up for a free subscription to be alerted when new sermons are posted.
LCROSS YouTube Channel
Sermons & Resources
YouTube Channe
Sermons / Worship Folders
Online Connection Card
Please fill-out LCC's Connection Card
when joining us for Online Worship.   
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Online Connection Card
Statement of Purpose
The mission of Lutheran Church of the Cross is to gather souls for Christ with a Christ-centered, Bible-based, spiritually-motivated congregation that utilizes the time, talents, and treasures of its members to reach out to the community to offer caring fellowship to all individuals.
Pastor Stolarczyk   Pastor Stolarczyk
Rev. Dr. R. Brian Stolarczyk Rev. Gerald Menk, Winter Pastor
Bio - Pastor Stolarczyk Bio - Pastor Menk
We invite you to share in God's blessings and fellowship and in the many activities of our parish whether you are a winter resident, full-time resident, or just visiting for a short period.

We are a member of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod LCMS.  Lutheran Church of the Cross is located in Southwest Florida just off Interstate I-75 in the Port Charlotte / Punta Gorda - Deep Creek area (map).
GIVE+Church - Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida
LCC is pleased to announce we offer ONLINE GIVING!
LCC has paired up with VANCO Payment Solutions to be able to offer digital payment options for those who wish to eliminate check writing and cash donations. With the simple task of completing a form and submitting it to the church office, you can be set up with the ability to send gifts or contributions into the church via automatic debit from a checking/savings account, charge to a credit card or making donations via a smart phone using the Gift Giving app.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Online Giving Enrollment Form.
Complete the form and return it with attention to Mike Barzona. The form may be mailed to the church office, dropped off anytime during the church office hours, or scanned and emailed to
Make a One-Time Online Payment to LCC using Vanco HERE

Please feel free to reach out to the church office should you have any questions on how to use Online Giving - (941) 627-6060.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”
Colossians 3"16(a)
Lutheran Church of the Cross believes that all members should be educated in the Word of God. This applies to our children also. To encourage attending God’s House as a family, we have Sunday Bible Classes for all ages.
Sunday Bible Classes
9:00am Christian Education Hour (Year-Round)
9:00am Youth Sunday School (September - May)
  • Infants – 0 - 3 years of age - Meets in our FMC Building
  • Pre-School - 4 years through Kindergarten - Meets in our FMC Building
  • Elementary - 1st grade through 3rd grade - Meets in our FMC Building
  • Pre-Confirmation - 4th through 6th grades - Meets in our FMC Building
  • Confirmation – Tween to Teen - Meets in Church Fellowship Room
  • Adult Bible Class – 18 years and older - Meets in our FMC Building
Our age-appropriate, active, and experiential curriculum offers Christ as our Redeemer at the center of every lesson and emphasizes the means of grace as our access to God.
Cross Monument Prayer Park
Please enjoy pictures of the Cross Monument Prayer Park (CLICK HERE) located at the base of the Cross Monument.

If you are interested in more information regarding purchase of a paver, Lord's Prayer petition or an engraved bench, please contact the church office at (941) 627-6060.

Please note: orders are taken continuously so the posted available petitions may be purchased at any time and no longer available. For an accurate list of the available items, please contact the church office.

There are three different sizes of Pavers that can be ordered.
6X9 are $50 each and can hold up to 28 letters/characters for personalization
9X9 are $100 each and can hold up to 42 letters/characters for personalization
9X12 are $250 each and can hold up to 56 letters/characters for personalization
The Lord’s Prayer petition plaques are $2,000, you can select your choice of available petition, each with a different segment of the Lord’s Prayer and a personalized plaque, up to 40 letters/characters for personalization.
For a list of the available petitions please call the church office.
Personalized, engraved benches are also available.
Please contact church office for more information (941) 627-6060.
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Lutheran Child Development Center
  About Us
  Past, Present and Future
  News : Open Letter
  News : Cross Monument
  News : Why God?
  News : The Gifts of God...
  — Sermon & Worship
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  — Newsletter
  — Church Calendar
  — Committees
  — Helpful Links
  — Contact Us
  — Directions
2300 Luther Road
(Deep Creek)
Port Charlotte, FL 33983
Phone: 941-627-6060
Fax: 941-627-5467
Mon. - Fri. 9am - 3pm
Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 9am - Noon
  LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS on Facebook Follow Lutheran Church of the Cross on Facebook 
© 2013 - 2025 Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, FL  All rights reserved SERMONS & RESOURCES FROM LCCROSS on YouTube Follow Lutheran Church of the Cross on YouTube